Healthy Living Patterns
1. Reduce foods high in fat, like butter, margarine, and coconut milk. Better to get the intake of natural fats from nuts or seeds. Forget the viscera, brain, foods thick coconut milk, chicken skin and egg yolks. Choose lean meats, foods nodes, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites, and fish as a good source of protein
2. As much as possible to avoid food or preservatives which in the long term can be a trigger cancer.
3. Choose foods or beverages that natural white (not in-bleach). Use food coloring from brown cafe example of cocoa, strowbery red, turmeric yellow, and green leaves, suji. Do not add sauce, soy sauce, salt and spices flavoring excessive. Expand to eat fruit and vegetables.
4. Food processing techniques also affect the quality of food. Choose foods with a cooking method steamed, boiled, or pan-fried with a little oil.
5. Expand drinking water, minerals, eight glasses a day, avoid alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and beverages with high sugar and caffeine content. Vegetables and fruit juice to keep and maintain good health.
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